Following are some guidelines that we recommend members of our community follow. Please keep in mind that pursuant to an Executive Order issued by the Governor, indoor and outdoor social gatherings are limited to no more than 25 people when our county is green or yellow on the County Alert Map. If Jefferson County is gold, orange or red on the County Alert Map, social gatherings are limited to no more than 10 people. If you may have COVID-19 or you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you should not participate in trick-or-treating and should not give out candy to trick-or-treaters.


  • Limit trick-or-treating activities to October 31st from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in order to limit crowd sizes (if communities host trick-or-treating at different dates or times crowds are likely to be larger because trick-or-treaters can go to more than one location)
  • Wear appropriate face coverings that cover the mouth and nose to limit exposure to COVID-19 while trick-or-treating
  • Create one-way trick-or-treating if possible
  • Provide individually wrapped goodie bags and line them up for families to grab and go while continuing to social distance (such as at the end of a driveway or at the edge of a yard)
    • If you are preparing goodie bags, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 second before and after preparing the bags.
  • If you choose to hand out candy, go to the end of the driveway (this prevents crowding in a smaller space such as a walkway or porch) and place a barrier between yourself and trick-or-treaters (i.e. a table) and have individually wrapped candy in a large container or lined up on a table for the parent or child to grab and go
  • If you choose to hand out candy at your door instead of the end of the driveway, sit in front of the door/porch/house instead of having children knock or ring the doorbell and try to place a barrier between yourself and trick-or-treaters (i.e. table) to reduce contact and allow for social distancing
  • Carry hand sanitizer with you while trick-or-treating so you can sanitize your hands before touching your face or eating candy
  • If going door-to-door instead of driveway to driveway, wait at the end of the driveway for other children at the door to exit before approaching in order to allow for social distancing

For further guidance on Halloween related activities go to:

Download a printable version of these guidelines below:

Trick-Or-Treating During COVID-19

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