Effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020 after 8:00pm by Executive Order No. 9-20, Governor Justice has issued a Stay at Home Declaration for all employees in non-essential businesses and operations.This order was established in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. As such, all licensed and registered child care programs in the State of West Virginia must cease providing care to children of parents working in jobs deemed non-essential. However,the need for child care remains a critical piece of the COVID-19 response and it is the goal of WVDHHR, Bureau for Children and Families (BCF), Division of Early Care and Education (ECE) to make every attempt to provide child care services for the COVID-19 essential workers. The complete list of essential workers in Executive Order No. 9-20 is available here. To provide for that need, registration as a Critical Care Child Caresite,is available. More information in the document below:

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